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Glass canopies are a source of reliable protection from residues that wields an exceptionally exquisite appearance

A canopy – unlike an overhang, a roof on additional supports, where glass is used as a roofing material. The porch of a house, office, shopping center, a free-standing gazebo, a swimming pool, a car parking place, a public transport stop, a terrace of a cafe or restaurant – this is just a short list of places where glass canopies can be used. Unlike an overhang, a canopy has no size and configuration limitations, as it is installed using supporting structures. Any technological elements and techniques used for overhangs, as well as their various combinations, can be used when manufacturing canopies.

Стеклянный навес, в отличие от козырька, устанавливается на дополнительные опоры и не имеет ограничений по выносу от здания и ширине - <span style="color: #ffff00;">Увеличить изображение!</span>

System  3-section canopy on a metal structure
 Point-fixed spider mounts
 Black metal with PVF2 powder coating
 Glass  Triplex ESG 6mm+2EVA+ESG 6mm
 Size  3000 х 7500 mm
 Price  63 700 UAH.

Для навесов из стекла применяются различные виды опор и приемы закрепления стеклянных элементов - <span style="color: #ffff00;">Увеличить изображение!</span>

System  2-section canopy
 Point-fixed mounts
 Black metal + PVF2
 Glass  ESG 6mm+2EVA+ESG 6mm
 Size  3000 х 5000 mm
 Price  43 390 UAH.

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